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Gallant Advantage Tennis Membership

Terms and Conditions

  1. By signing up for Gallant Advantage Membership, you agree to become a member of Gallant Play and abide by the terms and conditions set forth by the organization.

  2. The tenure of the membership from the date of its purchase cannot be extended.

  3. The membership fee is non-refundable, even if the member chooses to terminate their membership before the end of the membership term.

  4. Gallant Advantage Membership is non-transferrable.

  5. As a Gallant Advantage Member, you will have access to the tennis courts during designated hours. Members of the Gallant Advantage Membership are permitted to book their slots up to forty-eight (48) hours in advance and are not allowed to have more than three (3) active bookings at any given time.

  6. Any playing partner brought along by an existing member should be a Gallant Advantage Member to play at any Gallant Play Arena.

  7. Gallant Play reserves the right to grant or deny entry to any Gallant Advantage Member into the Gallant Play Arena.

  8. Requests for entry to sessions without booking confirmation obtained through the Gallant Play Arena Manager/Platform will not be entertained.

  9. Members are expected to arrive for their respective session only during the booked slot. Gallant Play reserves the right to refuse entry to a member who arrives late for their session.

  10. Creating a trial booking for personal use by an existing trial user using a different mobile number is prohibited. Gallant Play reserves the right to deny entry to the center for any user found to be doing so.

  11. Members will be given a maximum of 1 hour of playing time for each session. Members are expected to arrive and leave on time, under no circumstances will a member be allowed to use the Facility beyond the Slot duration.

  12. Session bookings are subject to the availability of the Slot in the time frame sought and on a first come first served basis.

  13. Each Slot is designed to accommodate a fixed number of Gallant Advantage Members at a time as per the decision taken by Gallant Play.

  14. Memberships may be cancelled by the member for any reason, but the membership fee is non-refundable. Gallant Play reserves the right to terminate membership for violation of the code of conduct or any other reason deemed appropriate by the organization.

  15. Members are expected to follow Gallant Play’s code of conduct, which includes showing respect to other members and arena staff, adhering to the dress code, and maintaining proper court etiquette. Any violation of the code of conduct may result in disciplinary action, including termination of membership without refund.

  16. Any act of violence, either initiated or participatory in nature, within a Gallant Play Arena will result in immediate termination of the Membership without any refund of the Gallant Advantage Membership Fee.

  17. Gallant Play’s Arena staff may request a Proof of Age/Identity document (such as Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Passport, or Student ID) from members for age/identity verification purposes. Failure to produce the required document or provide manipulated information during the membership purchase may result in immediate termination of the membership without a refund.

  18. Members participate in all Gallant Play activities at their own risk, and Gallant Play shall not be held responsible for any personal injury or loss of life or damage that may arise during the usage of Facilities by the members.

  19. Gallant Play makes every effort to keep our facilities in excellent working condition for our members. However, maintenance may be necessary from time to time, which may result in the unavailability or cancellation of a slot. Reasons for such unavailability or cancellation may include, but are not limited to, facility maintenance, repairs, unfavorable facility conditions or playing environment, power outages, adverse weather conditions, and other related factors.

  20. Gallant Play may offer the option to take photographs or videos of you (either individually or as a group) during your session at the facility (“Images”). These Images will be captured by the facility managers or individuals authorized by Gallant Play. Please note that the Images uploaded to the Gallant Play platform(s) will be accessible to all members, and they may download or take a screenshot of the Images. The Images may also be accessible through third-party services such as search engines, APIs, websites, and other services. Gallant Play is not responsible for any misuse, loss, modification, or unavailability of the Images or content on the platform.

  21. To protect privacy, we ask members to limit photography within the facility. Photography or video filming inside and outside of the Gallant Play facilities should be done with the utmost sensitivity, ensuring that the privacy rights of other members are not violated. Photography should be limited to selfies and group photos for personal use only. Photography at swimming pools and during kids’ academy hours is strictly prohibited.

  22. Violation of this policy may result in immediate termination of membership and appropriate legal action. Gallant Play reserves the right to use photographs of members for publicity purposes on the Gallant Play platform.

  23. All Gallant Play photography, logos, and illustrations are copyrighted by Gallant Play (or credited parties) and scanning or reproduction of any of the above without Gallant Play’s written consent will be considered a breach of copyright and dealt with accordingly.

  24. Gallant Play reserves the right to modify, amend, change, or update the above Terms & Conditions at any time entirely at its discretion. It is your responsibility to review these Terms periodically and ensure that you continue to comply with them.

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